I left Friday for Marietta and enjoyed a fabulous Mexican meal with Alli and the kiddos and Amanda, Benji and Emily Green. Sweet Miss Emily is so precious - it was great to visit with her and catch up with her momma and daddy.

Saturday morning, bright and early - off to The Loveliest Village on the Plains! We had a fabulous tailgate with Chris, Tipi, Wesley and Colt, Heath, Casey and Savannah, Maggie and Elizabeth - and my dear friend Jack (with a little DC)! The game was hot and not very well-played, but fun still - a win is a win. Chris - thanks for taking me to the game! Casey and Heath - thanks for letting me crash at Casa Stewart!

Sunday, I spent the day with my cousin, Stephanie, her husband Chad, and their baby girl, Izzy. Their new house is beautiful and that sweet baby is so stinkin' precious!! I love her beautiful red hair!!

To wrap up the trip, I got to spend some quality time at home with Mom and Dad. The Penuels came over for dinner and to model their Halloween costumes, which were handmade by their ultra-talented Mom by the way! (I'll post those pics later)
I made it back to Winston Tuesday afternoon, with a full tank of gas, and ready to get back to work. I'll be laying low the next couple of weeks - just working and trying to pick up some overtime to pay for all the gas bought this weekend!!
Thank you for not posting the picture of me with the "holy crap" look on my face. I do wonder what I what was going through my head! :)
Hey Girl! First of all, cute little red headed baby! Love those red heads! Second, I'm going to get the book tomorrow!!! I've added your blog to my read list! Looks like things are going great for you!
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