Sunday we journeyed to Chapel Hill for lunch and some window shopping. We were at lunch at the Top of the Hill when we realized we had not taken any pictures of the weekend - so this is all we got:

After the weekend, I flew back to WS and worked Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. I have been a nurse for a year and a half now, and had never been a part of a true Code Blue. Well, that all changed Monday night. My second night working night shift, my patient full-out coded on me - not fun! He was fine in the end, but I was quite shaken. To make matters worse, on Tuesday night, I happened by a room of another patient (who I was not taking care of that night) and SHE coded!! She, too, was fine afterwards, but I am NOT a big fan of night shift thus far!!
After those three rough nights and little sleep, I was ready to go home and be with my family for Thanksgiving. For the past twenty-plus years, we have spent our Thanksgivings with the Esteps - Jeff, Jane, Kevin and Jon, plus the two newest editions, Kevin's wife, MaryAnna, and baby boy, Miller. Kevin and Jon are probably the closest thing to brothers (until Thad) that Alli, Kate and I have ever known. We usually only see each other once a year, but we cherish the time we have together!!
So, I slept about three hours Wednesday morning and drove to Asheville, where I stopped to get Jon. We rolled into Laurelwood (my parents place in North Georgia) just in time for dinner. Thursday was filled with the usual - turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, casseroles, and huge balloons. Friday, Dad surprised us with an awesome scavenger hunt! He split us into teams and sent us scurrying aroung SkyLake and Helen looking for yard art, pine cones, and rocks, and making us do all sorts of silly things - YMCA pose with a construction worker, take our picture in a horse drawn carriage and a canoe, and get two strangers to pose with Auburn and Bama hats on. We all had so much fun and it was a perfect way to run off those Thanksgiving calories!!
Saturday was rainy so we played Dominoes with the adults and Little People with the babies, watched football and were just plain lazy. We won't go into any great detail on the football portion of the day - let's just say it wasn't pretty.
We had a great time, just being with family and relaxing!